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Case studies

Read the stories of those people we have helped

We help many people with their legal requirements every year. Below are a few case studies, demonstrating how much we’ve helped people just like you..


Compensation for Soft Tissue Injury and Pain Following a Collision on a Roundabout


Significant Settlement for Client with Life-Changing Injuries from a Road Traffic Collision


Settlement for the Estate of a Young Man Fatally Injured in a Road Traffic Collision

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Claiming for a Pedestrian Accident when the Driver was Untraced – £5,400 in Compensation

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Car Hit Whilst Stationary in a Layby – £50,000 in Compensation


Cyclist Accident on a Defective Railway Crossing – £55,000 in Compensation


Cyclist Hit by a Car – over £2,100 in Compensation

Otitis or tinnitus. Man touching his ear because of strong earache or ear pain.

Tinnitus Following a Road Traffic Accident – £35,000 in Compensation

Accident car crash with bicycle on road

Broken Wrist from a Cyclist Accident – £32,500 in Compensation

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