Home » Personal Services » Industrial Disease » Dermatitis
Occupational dermatitis is one of the most common industrial diseases in the UK.
It can also be called occupational eczema, and whilst it can affect any part of the body, occupational dermatitis typically affects the hands and/or face.
Home » Personal Services » Industrial Disease » Dermatitis
Your employer has a duty of care to ensure you are safe at work. When working with hazardous or potentially hazardous substances, you should be provided with suitable personal protective equipment, such as gloves.
If you have suffered with a skin condition that you believe is due to your employer’s negligence, get in touch with our specialist solicitors today. They will fully investigate whether you can make a claim and talk you through every step of the process.
Contact us today on 01244 312306 or email law@oliverandco.co.uk. All of our claims are dealt with on a no win, no fee basis.
Many workplaces are full of irritants such as chemicals, dust and adhesives. Substances such as rubber, latex, petroleum, cement and metals can cause skin irritations and conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
Dermatitis can also be caused by frequent or prolonged exposure to water and if people regularly work with wet hands and are exposed to cleaning products, they are more likely to develop a condition like dermatitis.
Surprisingly, contact with foods, such as sugar, flour, fruits, vegetables, spices, fish and meats account for around 40% of the occupational dermatitis cases seen by the HSE.
Symptoms of occupational dermatitis include:
In severe cases, a life-threatening allergic reaction may occur, this is also known as anaphylaxis, which can be fatal.
The first thing to do if you suspect you may have occupational dermatitis is to avoid whatever has triggered it; without exposure to the irritant, it should start to clear up. As this is not always possible or you may not be able to identify what has caused it, consult with a doctor who may prescribe emollients or moisturisers to help stop the skin from becoming dry. They may also prescribe topical corticosteroids to help relieve any severe symptoms.
Oliver & Co Solicitors Cheshire
Douglas House, 117 Foregate Street, Chester
Cheshire, CH1 1HE
Tel: 01244 312306
Email: law@oliverandco.co.uk
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Oliver & Co Solicitors Cheshire
Douglas House, 117 Foregate Street, Chester
Cheshire, CH1 1HE
Tel: 01244 312306
Email: law@oliverandco.co.uk
Since 1964 Oliver & Co have been providing expert legal advice to our clients.
Oliver & Co Solicitors is a trading name of Oliver & Co Solicitors Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales (registered number 07034465) who are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, ref no. 533647. Our VAT number is 439 8429 07. A list of Directors is available for inspection at our offices.
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