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Living Wills (Advance Decision)

A living will, also called an ‘advance decision,’ is a document that you can make to state what medical treatment you would refuse in the event that you become unable to communicate your decisions.

An advance decision must be carefully drafted to ensure that it achieves what you want it to achieve.

Importantly, a living will that refuses life-sustaining treatment must be in writing and signed in the presence of a witness.

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Advance decisions and lasting powers of attorney

You can make both an ‘advance decision,’ and a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney.

However, you must be very careful about how they are worded. If not worded correctly, one may override the other. Contact us for free initial advice. 

Making a living will

If you have any questions about making a living will, or how to make both a living will, and a Lasting Power of Attorney, please call us on 01244 312306.

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