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Case study

Crossing the Road – £115,000 in Compensation

Allison Pepper, one of the specialist solicitors in our personal injury team, settled a case for an elderly client in his 80s who was hit by the defendant whilst crossing the road. Liability was denied throughout the duration of the claim, despite footage from the police clearly showing the defendant was responsible.

Our client sustained a proximal femur fracture requiring surgery. He spent approximately 5 weeks hospitalised before returning home, whereupon he was cared for by his son who moved in permanently. As a result of the accident our client also suffered from low mood due to his incapacity.

We proceeded to obtain medical evidence from an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Psychologist and Care Expert enabling the solicitor to formulate an extensive past and future care plan which was included as part of our client’s claim.

Proving that the injuries were caused by the accident was complicated by our client’s pre-accident medical history. To settle the claim without issuing court proceedings the solicitor dealing with the claim made several offers. Settlement was not reached so proceedings were issued. A counteroffer was received which was rejected after careful consideration. Negotiations continued until a final offer was received from the defendant’s solicitors which was accepted by our client. He was reluctant to proceed to a court hearing due to being anxious to conclude the claim. Settlement was reached in the sum of £115,000.

How can we help you?

We help lots of clients every year claim the compensation they deserve. This case study demonstrates how we have helped a client claim compensation for injury following a pedestrian accident. Please be aware that the compensation amounts depend on the client’s individual situation and experiences. To see how much your claim could be worth please contact us directly.

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