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Mental Health – How Oliver & Co Solicitors are Raising Awareness in the Workplace and Supporting their Staff

Mental health problems have been a growing issue worldwide over the last few years, with the Coronavirus pandemic, and cost of living crisis contributing largely to the rise in rates.

The statistics back this up. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in every 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder and it is estimated that 5% of adults globally suffer from depression.

With these figures in mind and Mental Health Awareness Week upon us, we think it is important that we all understand the triggers associated with mental health problems, what can be done to help those suffering and how we can stop the rising rates.

To help achieve these goals, we have made it our aim at Oliver & Co Solicitors to raise awareness around mental health and provide support to our employees when needed. What follows are some of the resources we have put in place over the last few months.

Mental health first aiders

Towards the end of 2022, we offered our employees the opportunity to participate in a mental health first aid training course. Throughout the course of the training sessions, the qualified instructors equipped our first aiders with the skills needed to support their own and other’s mental wellbeing. They were empowered to notice the early signs of mental ill health, listen to others in a non-judgemental way and help break down barriers.

We now have a team of 7 mental health first aiders who have all participated in the sessions for their own individual reasons. However, they all share one similar thought in that they care about the well-being of those around them and want to help support those who are struggling.

Informative posters

Over recent months, we have been introducing posters around our office which highlight some of the ‘tips and tricks’ which can be adopted to help us all live a happier and healthier life. Whether it be exercising, trying out a new activity, holding out a helping hand to others or meeting up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while; they are all keys to unlocking a healthier mind. Placed in spots around the office where we all may have a few moment to read them, these posters will help educate our employees on the triggers surrounding mental health and show them ways in which to implement any tips into their own lives.

Mental health first aid drop in service

Our trained mental health first aiders have introduced a ‘drop-in service’ for all employees at Oliver & Co Solicitors to utilise when needed. The service provides our employees with the opportunity to discuss any matters that are concerning or worrying them with a trained mental health first aider in a completely impartial and confidential space. We are proud to be able to provide this service to our employees and hope that it helps in some way.

Gratitude postcards

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can reduce a person’s feeling of stress and anxiety and increase their feeling of happiness immediately by 10%. The receiver of such acts of gratitude will also feel much happier when they are appreciated for something they have done or said. For this reason and many others, Oliver & Co have introduced the concept of gratitude postcards for everyone to use.

These postcards are scattered around the office and employees are encouraged to write a message of ‘thanks’ to their colleagues when they have helped them in some way. We have certainly seen the benefit of these postcards and it is lovely to see so many people appreciating others.


Finally, a few members of staff at Oliver & Co Solicitors are conducting seminars over the next week which are solely focused on mental health. They will be sharing with their colleagues some of their own knowledge surrounding mental health and the tips they have learnt in the hope to educate others.

Oliver & Co are also subscribers of online personal and professional development seminars. All employees are offered the opportunity to participate in these online seminars which often focus on supporting mental health and wellbeing at work.

We truly hope that by implementing the above resources will encourage positive conversations around mental health in our workplace. We aim to ensure that our employees feel happy at work and that they can reach out in a time of need.

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