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“I knew this was a Company that cared about its Clients and Employees in equal measure”

Blog by Olivia Haslam, Paralegal

Olivia Haslam, Paralegal in the Clinical Negligence Department, joined Oliver & Co Solicitors in 2018. She shares what it means to her to work for an employee-owned business.

Oliver & Co is testament to the sentiment that people don’t really care about how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Despite working within a highly intelligent team in the Clinical Negligence Department, every moment is spent focussing on how our work can benefit the long-term outcome for our clients.  We ensure we learn all we can, not only about the experience of our client which has led them to us, but we also account for the full picture of how they, and those around them, may have been affected.

Life following, or during, an experience of clinical negligence can be devasting, I am proud to say I work in a team that strives to do everything we can to make the process as easy as we can, whilst being empathetic and considerate to the strains of such a significant life change.

Furthermore, transitioning to being an Employee-Owned Company highlighted the above sentiment even further to me.  If it were not for the care and support of the “Olive-owners”, I would not be in a position to help care for the Clients we work with on a day-today basis within the Clinical Negligence team.  I joined Oliver & Co one week after my final A-Level exam as a part of the Reception and New Business team.  Immediately, I knew this was a company that cared about its clients and employees in equal measure.

I wanted to join the law profession and wanted to do so from the ground up.  Having only just finished school, I wanted to learn as much as I could, as soon as I could.  Oliver & Co nurtured me through an apprenticeship to qualify as a paralegal within the Clinical Negligence Department.

The opportunity to learn within such a fantastic working environment really propelled my development into the legal sector.  Five years later and following the transition to becoming an employee-owned business, I’ve been able to see how much the consideration for our clients and the members of Oliver & Co has grown.

Everyone at Oliver & Co endeavours to constantly go above and beyond whomever we encounter that needs assistance, be it a client who needs help following a significant life change, or an employee looking to change their life by taking steps to make a start in the legal world.

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“I am proud to work for such a progressive and family orientated company.”

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