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Case study

Testicular Torsion

The blood supply to the testicle can also be affected by recent surgery. We acted for a gentleman who suffered with intermittent testicular pain. He was diagnosed with a varicocele (a swelling in the scrotum) and underwent surgery as a day case procedure to remove this. Later that evening, when at home, our client began to suffer severe pain in his left testicle, which became very swollen. He could not move without supporting his testicles.

Our client tried telephoning the hospital several times that evening and the next day but was advised that his pain was normal. The pain continued to increase and became so excruciating that our client returned to the hospital. He was examined and diagnosed with an infection. Our client was discharged with antibiotics.

A few days later, our client was seen by the district nurse who advised the client to return to the hospital immediately. An ultrasound scan showed that there was no blood supply to the testicle, and it could not be saved. The testicle was removed during surgery later that day. Our client’s recovery was complicated by infection.

We successfully pursued a claim against the hospital for failing to take informed consent from our client and for causing the blood supply to the testicle to be cut off. There was also a failure to diagnose this complication and treat the same, prior to the testicle dying.

We successfully recovered £20,000 in compensation for our client.

How can we help you?

If you, or a loved one, have suffered from the serious consequence of a delay in diagnosing and treating testicular torsion then we may be able to help. Our medical negligence team benefits from in-house medical knowledge from our head of department, Linda Schermer-Jones, who is dual qualified doctor and solicitor. We therefore have the ability to quickly and efficiently assess areas of potential negligence you, or a loved one, may have suffered.

Please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialised team members today for free advice regarding whether you may have a potential medical negligence claim on 01244 354688.

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