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Case study

Surgical Error – £3,000 in Compensation

Our client suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (compression of the nerve) in her left hand. This caused her to experience constant pins and needles, numbness, and pain in her fingers. She also suffered from a constant aching in her wrist.

Our client underwent a carpal tunnel release operation. However, she immediately felt considerable pain after the operation and continued to suffer from her previous symptoms. Unfortunately, this meant that she was unable to grip anything. She required assistance with daily tasks.

Our client attended three different orthopaedic doctors and a neurophysiologist over the period of 8 months before revision surgery was planned. The operation, which was to release the carpal tunnel a second time, was successful.

We alleged that the defendant breached their duty of care to our client by failing to release part of the carpal tunnel ligament. As a result, our client suffered eight months of unnecessary pain.

Our client received £3,000 compensation for her surgical error.

How can we help you?

We help lots of clients every year just like you claim the compensation they deserve. This case study demonstrates how we have helped clients claim compensation for negligence that has occurred during surgical procedures. Please be aware that the compensation amounts depend on the client’s individual situation and experiences. To see how much your claim could be worth please contact us directly.

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