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Case study

An Order Permitting a Mother to Move out of the Country with her Daughter

We acted for a mother who had encountered many issues over the years with a Child Arrangements Order. This resulted in regular applications by the father back to court with the father attempting to micromanage the young daughter’s life through the court system.

During the proceedings the mother made the decision that it would be in her daughter’s best interests to leave the jurisdiction and resettle in the mother’s home country.

With our advice and assistance, the mother was encouraged to obtain extensive evidence of the benefits of her young daughter moving back to the mother’s country of origin, both in terms of lifestyle, education, and how contact with her father could still be sustained. We also liaised with solicitors in that jurisdiction to ensure that, in the event that the court was persuaded by the mother’s evidence and believed that a move would be beneficial to the parties’ daughter, a ‘mirror’ order would be approved by the local court in that jurisdiction, thus enabling the father and mother to ask that court to determine any issues that could arise in the future.

The mother’s application was successful, and the mother and young daughter moved to the mother’s home country. Due to the mother’s extensive practical preparations for the move and the legal work undertaken by us in advance of that move, the transition was made much easier for the daughter who is now settled in her new environment and very much enjoying her new life there.

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