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Deaf Awareness Week 2023 – Access to Communication

[lead]This week sees the annual ‘Deaf Awareness Week’. Each year, the UK Council on Deafness run a week-long campaign to raise awareness of the challenges faced by the deaf community. One in six people in the UK are deaf or have hearing loss, a combined total of around 11 million people.[/lead]

This year’s campaign

This year’s focus is ‘Access to Communication’. It aims to promote greater understanding of the challenges faced by the deaf community in accessing communication. Deafness and hearing loss can have a range of challenging implications, especially when it comes to communication; a lack of access to sign language interpreters and limited subtitling on videos to name but a few. These significant barriers can lead to social isolation, limited employment opportunities and reduced access to essential services.

The UK Council on Deafness aim to encourage people and services to work together to create a more inclusive society where deaf people have equal access to communication. Increased education and advocacy for the need of greater access to communication tools and services for the deaf community can break down the communication barriers that are preventing the deaf community from fully participating in society and create a world where access to communication is accessible for everyone.

What can we do?

You can support the UK Council on Deafness’s efforts to increase the visibility of challenges the deaf community face by supporting Deaf Awareness Week. There are several ways to take part, including:

  • Getting involved on social media using the hashtag #DeafAwarenessWeek and following @UKCouncilonDeafness on Twitter (Twitter)
  • Attending a sign language class to help better understand the deaf community and to take a step towards a more inclusive society
  • Download and display the campaign poster
  • Donate to a supporting organisation.

Noise induced hearing loss

Hearing loss is a common condition that can remain unnoticed for years as it develops gradually. Your employer has a duty to minimise noise in the workplace in order to prevent the high exposure levels which have been proven to be a potential cause of industrial deafness and tinnitus. If your hearing loss is due to previous exposure to excessive noise at work, there may be a claim for noise-induced hearing loss compensation.

How can Oliver & Co help?

Our Industrial Disease Team has extensive experience in helping people suffering with hearing loss and tinnitus.

If you are suffering from loss of hearing, buzzing or ringing in your ears, and have been exposed to excessive noise, you may be entitled to claim for compensation. Oliver & Co has a specialist team of solicitors, as well as a fully trained audiologist, and will fight for the compensation that you deserve. Our team understands that the symptoms can be debilitating and have serious consequences on your day-to-day life, and they will do their best to offer an unparalleled support network and specialist legal expertise. When fighting for your compensation we take into account any time you have had to take off work, any treatment you have had to pay for, including the cost of hearing aids, and any other losses that you may have incurred.

All claims are dealt with on a no win, no fee basis.

Call 01244 312306 to speak to a member of our specialist team of Industrial Disease Lawyers who will assist you further with this matter.

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