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Defective & Faulty Product Claims

Can I make a claim for compensation if I am injured by a faulty product?

The answer is yes! A product must be safe for its intended use when it is sold to customers.

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Compensation claims for faulty product injuries

If you are injured by a faulty product and you were using it correctly, you are legally entitled to make a claim against whoever is responsible.

This area of law is called ‘Product Liability’ and it ensures manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers and others are held responsible for the injuries their defective products cause.

What is manufacturer’s liability?

The manufacturer of a product may be liable for any personal injury caused by a faulty product. Goods must pass complex tests to make sure they are safe for the public.

A manufacturer may be liable if a person is injured by a product that was sold faulty, developed faults at a later date or has insufficient labels to warn of potential hazards.

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What products can be defective?

A wide range of products can be defective. Here are a few of the most common:

How much could my

claim be worth?

How much could my
claim be worth?

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