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Oliver & Co’s Favourite Baristas

Oliver & Co’s Specialist Cycling Solicitors have made it their mission to spread the word about their expertise, great customer service and technical skills.

The Personal Injury Department are here to help local cyclists who have been injured and have been out and about calling at local coffee shops and cafes in the community where cyclists may visit, to leave details of the service they can offer, whilst enjoying the tasty goods offered by these fabulous venues.

With over 20 years’ experience in representing injured clients, 3 members of our team visited three local businesses in Chester to sample their delicious treats and to deliver our leaflets which were gratefully displayed for cyclists to use if they have the misfortune of being knocked off their bike and need our team’s specialist help!

Their trip started at Meadow Lea Farm Shop in Mickle Trafford and they were greeted by a warm welcome, a selection of cakes and breakfast options, which of course could not be resisted. Delicious breakfast barms, coffee and tea were consumed with vigour. Thank you to all the staff at Meadow Lea for looking after us and serving us with such a friendly smile!

Their next stop was at the Manor Farm Shop in Chester where they partook again in yet more delicious delights. The ladies who served them in this little gem could not have been nicer and the coffee was served in gorgeous glasses. It was so lovely to hear how they were making a success of their business, particularly with a campsite next door and there was a lovely atmosphere!

Finally, all coffee’ d out and full of tasty goods, they briefly stopped in at the Cheshire Cat in Christleton. This is a popular stop off for cyclists and we have kindly been given the opportunity of displaying our leaflets in this venue.

We will definitely be back to these venues in the near future and would like to thank everyone we met during our visits, the food, drinks and service were impeccable! We highly recommend you visit!

If you have been injured in a cycling accident and need assistance, please contact us on 01244 312306 to speak to one of our team. We are happy to have a no obligation chat to see how we can help you. All claims are run on a no win, no fee basis.

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