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#MensHealthWeek – Testicular Torsion

As part of International Men’s Health Week, we are publishing a series of articles on men’s health topics and provide advice about when negligent medical treatment is received.

Testicular Torsion:

Testicular torsion occurs when the testicle twists on the spermatic cord, which suddenly cuts off the blood supply to the testicle.

If testicular torsion is identified appropriately and surgery is undertaken quickly enough, it is possible to save the affected testicle. However, if there is a delay in diagnosis or treatment, the testicle can die and the patient will require surgery to remove the testicle. This can result in the loss of the testicle unnecessarily and can potentially affect fertility. Testicular torsion is an emergency situation and a matter of minutes and hours can make all the difference to the likelihood of being able to save the testicle.

Mr G’s story

We have helped many clients with claims for testicular torsion. We helped a client Mr G claim £25,000 for delayed diagnosis of testicular torsion. Mr G suffered from severe left groin and lower abdominal pain into the pubic region. He attended A&E, where no examination was undertaken of our client’s testicles and possible testicular torsion was not considered. Mr G was discharged home but the pain only got increasingly more severe, with left testicular pain and swelling. The next day, his GP advised him to re-attend A&E, which he did. Our client was then diagnosed with testicular torsion. Our client underwent surgery to fix his testicles, but unfortunately, due to the delay in diagnosis and treatment, it was too late to save the left testicle.

If you have suffered a delay in diagnosing and treating testicular torsion, then you may have a claim for clinical negligence and our specialist team of solicitors may be able to assist you with a claim.

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