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Case study

Expediting a Court of Protection Matter

We were recently instructed to assist a family with a Court of Protection matter. The individual in question had sustained an injury resulting in permanent loss of capacity. As a homeowner, they needed to relocate to a property better suited to their physical needs. This required us to apply to the Court of Protection for a special order granting close family members the authority to sell the existing property and purchase a new one on their behalf.

This case was particularly challenging, and we did everything possible to expedite the process. Despite the typically lengthy and complex nature of Court of Protection matters, we emphasised the urgent and unique circumstances to the Court, ensuring the property sale could be completed on time.

We understood our client’s incredibly difficult situation and prioritised their case to ensure the Order was granted promptly. Our client was delighted with our service and thanked us for all our work and guidance during this process.

How We Can Help

We offer a compassionate and tenacious service designed to ease the burden of managing a loved one’s affairs after they have been incapacitated.

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