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Case study

Missed testicular torsion

When our client was a child, he attended a GP and hospital with pain and swelling in his left testis, but both the GP and the hospital failed to consider testicular torsion. 

As a result, our client’s testis became necrotic and was not salvageable and had to be removed.  As an adult, this caused our client distress and he opted to have a prosthesis inserted.

We obtained our client’s records and then a witness statement from him, also with input from his mum who took him to the hospital. 

We obtained supportive expert evidence from an expert GP that the Defendant GP had failed to consider testicular torsion and to refer him to hospital urgently.

We also obtained supportive expert evidence from an expert in A & E Medicine who was of the view that the A & E doctor at the Defendant Trust also failed to consider a diagnosis of testicular torsion and to arrange an urgent surgical or urological review. 

Our expert consultant urologist reported that had the GP or the A & E doctor referred our client when they should have done, he could have had an urgent operation, and the testis could have been salvageable.

A Letter of Claim was sent to both Defendants with the Trust denying liability and the GP failing to respond at all.

Court proceedings were therefore started against both Defendants, who denied liability. Our experts remained supportive of the claim and so we proceeded by way of a Costs and Case Management Conference where a budget was set to include expert evidence from the three experts already instructed as well as an expert paediatrician. 

Witness evidence was exchanged with the Defendant and our experts remained supportive following this.

The Claimant’s expert evidence was finalised, including a report from a supportive paediatrician, but before exchange of reports, settlement negotiations ensued, and the matter settled for £15,000.

How can we help you?

If you, or a loved one, have suffered from the serious consequence of delayed or missed diagnosis of a health condition then we may be able to help. Our medical negligence team benefits from in-house medical knowledge from our head of department, Linda Schermer-Jones, who is dual qualified doctor and solicitor. We therefore have the ability to quickly and efficiently assess areas of potential negligence you, or a loved one, may have suffered.

Please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialised team members today for free advice regarding whether you may have a potential medical negligence claim on 01244 354688.

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