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Case study

Fingertip Amputation – £11,400 in Compensation

Mr. M from Chester instructed us to deal with a claim for compensation for injuries arising out of an accident at work. Mr. M was employed as a Warehouse Manager for the defendant. He was instructed, along with his colleagues to transport rollers from one site to another. These rollers were approximately 14ft long, 6ft high and weighed more than half a ton. Mr. M was in the back of a van waiting to receive the rollers when a colleague with no training and no licence moved the rollers using a bendi truck. The truck jerked as a result one of the rollers rolling off which resulted in Mr. M’s right, dominant hand, becoming crushed, resulting in the amputation of Mr. M’s fingertip.

Liability was admitted by the defendant’s insurers however, they did partially blame Mr. M. Medical evidence was obtained from an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in finger injuries. Hand therapy was recommended which we were able to arrange on a private basis. Following treatment, Mr. M made a full and complete recovery from his injuries and settlement of the claim was mutually agreed in the sum of £11,400. This included an award for his injury, for private hand therapy, travelling expenses and time spent by his partner assisting him with personal hygiene and household chores for 2 weeks after the accident.

How can we help you?

To enquire if you have a claim please call us on 01244 312306 to speak with one of our specialist lawyers. We provide free legal advice and will advise if we can deal with your claim when we speak with you.

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