We were contacted by our client when she was concerned that her dad due to a failure to manage his diabetes.
Although her dad was elderly, he was living independently and was active and happy, managing his type 2 diabetes. He had an episode of very low blood glucose at home causing him to suffer confusion, slurred speech and reduced coordination. An ambulance crew attended and gave her dad sweets and toast which increased his blood glucose level.
Unfortunately, after her dad was taken to hospital, there was inadequate blood glucose monitoring whilst he was treated for a urinary tract infection with antibiotics and IV fluids.
The next morning, he was given his diabetic medicines, Metformin and Gliclazide, but his blood glucose hadn’t been monitored prior to administration of these. He hadn’t been given any food as he was nil by mouth because he was struggling to swallow and was at risk of choking or aspiration.
Our client’s dad suffered an episode of hypoglycaemia with very low blood glucose of 2. In the circumstances, IM Glucagon medication should be given as an emergency, but none was available where it should have been stored and the staff didn’t know where else to get it from. Instead, they gave him a glucose tablet, but he couldn’t swallow and so instead inhaled it. He asphyxiated, became cyanosed due to lack of oxygen and sadly died.
An internal investigation was carried out by the Defendant Trust, and it concluded that our client’s dad’s hypoglycaemic presentation prior to admission hadn’t been considered upon clerking and there was no plan for regular glucose monitoring and diabetic medication review. Despite being nil by mouth due to difficulties swallowing, he was given oral glucose to treat an episode of hypoglycaemia.
We obtained copies of his records and took a detailed witness statement from our client in respect of her dad’s care. Medical evidence was obtained from an expert in diabetes which was supportive of the negligence causing our client’s dad’s death.
The allegations were put to the Defendant Trust who admitted liability, including the fact that their breaches of duty of care caused the death.
Settlement negotiations were entered, and the claim was settled for £8,000.
How can we help you?
If you, or a loved one, have suffered from the serious consequence negligent treatment in hospital then we may be able to help. Our medical negligence team benefits from in-house medical knowledge from our head of department, Linda Schermer-Jones, who is dual qualified doctor and solicitor. We therefore have the ability to quickly and efficiently assess areas of potential negligence you, or a loved one, may have suffered.
Please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialised team members today for free advice regarding whether you may have a potential medical negligence claim on 01244 354688.